@Xx_Starboy_xX Simply talking to others shouldn’t bother them. if they are your friend they should have patience and listen to your words. although everyone’s different, it’s part of a friends job to listen and be their for you. It’s ok to speak your mind, never feel like you’re a bother to someone for being yourselfwe all make mistakes because we are all human, what matters is that we learn from it.(besides if you don’t make any mistakes, how will you learn?) All though I don’t know you personally, I would say don’t beat yourself up about it. again everyone makes mistakes, and even if not everyone agrees with what you say, it’s ok to respectfully voice your opinion about things. You have just as much of right to voice your opinions and speak your mind as anyone else. Aside from the verse, I wish you a wonderful evening, and that whatever’s bothering you is resorted :) *sending virtual hugs*
“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”
Matthew 6:27 NIV