Hey guys, wanted this to be a little introduction from me to you. My real name is Madeline, I live in a small town in Iowa (don't be a stalker). Let me tell you my story, skip to the line if you don't care, meaner (LOL I said meaner). Anyways, I grew up in a bigger city in Iowa, I lived there for 9 years since birth. I was quite frequently picked on as a child and I still am. Oh, I have 3 siblings, 2 younger sisters and a younger brother. Because of jobs my family moved to a really small town where my father would start his new job, since then he's been all over the place, but finally has a good job that he enjoys. Very quickly after we moved here I was targeted from bullies and I went to the Guidance teacher at least twice per day. I remember I used to come home crying and telling my parents I wanted to go "home". "Home" was where we used to live. I don't get picked on as much now and I have some really great friends, make sure to go check out FullMetal_Dragons. She's one of my awesome friends.
Anyways, I love writing and I'm really excited to start as an "Author". So get ready for some hopefully awesome stories and stuff like that! :D Luv u guys!
-Maddie :D