
@EpicThePickle  I will read it! :) hey sorry about the message  I sent you was to the wrong person haha my iPads being weird and not letting me see any of your messages! My bad 


heey guys! i put up a new story and i would really like some feed back on it so please comment or message me what you think of it! :D also is there anyone who would be able to make a cover? ive tried but i don't know how, feel free to message me if you would help thanks. byee xx


@ehsports37  heey! haha no probs dude its an amazing story! wait a sec..you wrote a new chapter!? i must go read it like now! eeep! =D hehe i would LOVE  to be your new bff :P you didnt creep me out you seem kinda ransom and crazy  like me! haha and thanks so much for fanning back!! :D 
          p.s i love your picture! haha :)


heyy!! thanks for fanning and voting for my story!! i just added a new chapter so check it out please?? thanks [: and me sees you lke the janoskians....... ME TOO!! AND YOU LIKE ALL TIME LOW?!?!?! i think you're my new bff xD (if you wanna be!) sorry if that creeped you out!! >:) fanned ya back!! [: