Hi I'm Alexie your new and fresh book writer, I have tons of covers waiting to be out there and show the world my story.... Plus I love your stories and books too... we'll keep going with your writing and if your passionate about your writing or creating a book then my advice for you will be, to never give up... Never stop to what people comment on your book and keep going ... And to those that don't have the time to have patents on your favirout book and you have nothing nice to say then I suggest to not say it at all...they are trying to update and think of what the next chapter is going to be like, so patient cause if you wrote a book and your still trying to find out what to right next and in the comments you see that? What would you do? Obviously you might say I wouldn't care, well you should cause it makes them not want to write or type anything and delete it so patients
And I love cookies and make people smile also I'll give updates on when my new books are cominn aswell
..."...... And don't worry I'm still learning ou you see mistakes