
Hey beans! I just wanted to say that all of my story’s will most likely be 
          	Not that they will all three be together, but they are my main ships.  if you don’t understand just ask me! 


I understand I was the same way.  I used to cringe at it but now I thinks so cute. 


My user name is such a lie now. I cri
          	  I used to not ship KiriBaku, but then I saw how canon it nearly was, and how much I love Kirishima, and I just realized it’s adorable 


          You have been chosen to be showered with love so enjoy!
          Now post this to everyone's wall who you think deserves all the love in the world.
          If you get..
          1 back = you're loved
          3 back = you're popular
          5 back = you're the most loveable person out
          9 back = Wow I'm jealous
          Don't break this chain unless you want to break someone's heart.
          Now take my appreciation UwU


I can’t be bothered 


I was just informed by a video of tiktok that a hacker is going around in Wattpad and finding out emails and selling them on the dark web. I advise if you are an author/ the author to backup your books on a hard drive or change your email to a new and random one you don’t mind getting stolen. The @ for the tik is laughingo.  If you want to find out if you were sold on there go to this website https://haveibeenpwned.com and enter the email you’re using for wattpad and if it says your have not been pwned then you’re good but if it says that your email was breached then change your wattpad email to a random email strictly for wattpad and then switch all the stuff on the breaches email account to a different one and CHANGE YOUR WATTPAD PASSWORD!!! A lot of people are saying that you have to deactivate your Wattpad account THAT IS NOT TRUE! I looked more into it and apparently this is something going on since June 2020 and there are over 210 billion wattpad emails getting sold on the black web. Make sure you have backed up your libraries and stories! Wattpad is currently looking into the situation further. If anyone wants further updates i can inform anyone who wants to know anything once i know more. Stay safe.


Hi, I was too late to see this and I was pawned. But thank you for sending it to me


Hey beans! I just wanted to say that all of my story’s will most likely be 
          Not that they will all three be together, but they are my main ships.  if you don’t understand just ask me! 


I understand I was the same way.  I used to cringe at it but now I thinks so cute. 


My user name is such a lie now. I cri
            I used to not ship KiriBaku, but then I saw how canon it nearly was, and how much I love Kirishima, and I just realized it’s adorable 