Okay I did not get Janice but I did get ensemble and understudy to coach carr so that's something
Reading Lists
Okay I did not get Janice but I did get ensemble and understudy to coach carr so that's something
Okay I did not get Janice but I did get ensemble and understudy to coach carr so that's something
Alrighty you fkn pretty people im a senior now and auditioning for Janice for my school's Mean Girls on august 1st please please please pray for me, this part would mean the world to be
You guys i got a bf
Today I learned that, during a hike, "boulder boulder boulder" is one of the worst things to hear someone above you shout
So I had an audition last week for my highschool's play (upperclassmen here are supposed to have 1st dibs on a lot of the roles and I'm a junior), the I was called back for both nights. I didn't get casted, so I asked the director what I need to work on. She said—this is also what she had said the morning of the second callback—that I need to get my hair out of my face. I HAD MY BANGS PINNED BACK DURING CALLBACKS WHAAAAAT IT IS NOT MY FAULT I HAVE A LOT OF HAIR
Today was my 2nd day working at a popular retain chain (idk if im allowed to say lol) and i got flirted with by a guy with a mustache that was confused an the counterfeit machine
Good evening folks welcome to Help Me Decide My Life with carrie young. Today's question is: "what am I doing with my life?" Option #1: Actress I've been obsessed with theatre since 8th grade (I am a junior in highschool) and I've been planning to make acting a career for awhile. However, the odds of making it big enough to actually getting good income are very low and my state doesn't rly let people shoot films. My dad will not support me as an actress and let's face it I need money lol Option #2: Lawyer I'm very good at arguing and I have a good memory. I'm stubborn and resentful enough to screw (not like that) people that Im opposing. I would get to be a shark and get to f people up bc I would have the power to do it and I would be better than everyone. However the schooling is daunting, I would have to learn a lot of Latin, and I cry when I'm overwhelmed Option #3: Police officer It would be very thrilling and I know that not everyone can do it. I would get to live in danger instead of boredom and i would genuinely be helping people, and if I die then it wouldn't be something basic like illness, it would be tragic and interesting. However, I would have to live alone and be single bc I would pretty much live on the job and it wouldn't be fair for my guy
@GraceChintu ya I would be a doctor but that's what my parents are and the schooling they had to do was just horrendous
@XxxBuckarooxxX Cool! Glad you're figuring yourself out. Personally me, I would be a doctor or software engineer (computer programmer).
Okay but why does AO3 put you on a waiting list before letting you get an account
@XxxBuckarooxxX Right?? I don’t have an account, but I saw the thing about having to be on the waiting list. It doesn’t make any sense
A small tip for your book: Silver and Gold Hey XxxBuckarooxxX! As I said before, your story is wonderful so far. However, may I give a tip? If you want to show that the "love" or "relationship" between Varian and Kate, then I would suggest adding a part where they have to trust each other and realize that the other is something that they're not. Of course, this is just an idea, but if you follow my advice (which is 100% optional) then perhaps the readers will feel more involved with Kate and Varian's "interactions." (the last sentence probably doesn't make sense...lol.) Again, great story!
You can ask any questions to me (sorry! but probably not in private) and I can answer them!
@GraceChintu yesss thank you!! Hey can you message me privately so we can iron this out,, idk if im 100% understanding what you mean lol
At this point I'm seriously considering just dropping off of all my social medias and ghosting everyone i know man i feel like im not even alive
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