
Welcome guys to my amazing place of dreams! I’m back …..I will be making more stories) comment what you would like! 
          	1. Wonka as a father in his chocolate factory 
          	2. A stray kids book of anything


Dear readers in my vampire story I will be doing a spin off about Shadowhunters you will be a shadow Hunter forthree chapters of the spin off call is chasing you in the forest? Is it a vampire or is it a demon you can choose comment down below what you think is chasing you through the whole chapters enjoy the story three chapters long I hope you like it thanks for reading again, guess who is chasing you a vampire or a demon~


Yo! A new chapter will be coming soon~ Which book?! Who knows... keep in mind that some of the books will be on it’s 3th year . If you have not read them please do!!!!! And comment what you think should happen in every book~ Autumn