Happy New Year! May the Year of the Dragon bring you health, happiness, and success! Oh, and plenty of time to read and comment on stories ;)


@YAAASDRAMAQUEEN yayyyy! Happy New Year! Was so happy to see your update!! 


Aigoooooo! I can't aplogize enough for the big gap in updating. This past month has been absolutely bananas. I'm going through a career change. Along with the typical growing pains of such a transition, it's also weighing on me emotionally as I'm leaving a career that was my dream but turned out to be toxic. It's truly like leaving an abusive relationship - and it was a relationship I was in for a very long time. But now I'm starting over. A big part of my motivation is to be able to devote more time to my writing. So thanks for sticking with me! Updates should be coming more regularly now, as things have settled down. I have more chapters already written (it's just about editing and uploading) and I now know the exact ending of this book (it came to me this weekend!) so it should be pretty smooth sailing from here. 
          I hope all is well with you!
          Stay Fabulous, 
          Ya Drama Queen


@lisahiatt Thank you so much :)


@YAAASDRAMAQUEEN wish you luck with your new career! Glad you got out of a toxic work environment!! Been waiting for your update. 


Good evening, lovelies!
          I added another spicy chapter tonight. I really hate the stereotype that sex becomes more boring and monotonous as the relationship becomes longer. I really want to push back against that idea and, quite honestly, have it reflect my own personal relationship more accurately. The more deeply you love and trust another person, the better the sex becomes. And it has limitless potential! 
          Anyway, I think of Cake and Mint (TharnType/MewGulf) as a perfect representative of a love that has built steadily over time and continues to burn with passion. So I wanted to have some fun with them this chapter. I hope it's fun for you, too 


Hello all! Another chapter was added this evening. We meet a narrator we haven't heard from yet! I hope you are loving the characters as much as I do. 
          Also, I realized that there had been some miscommunication between my laptop and my tablet *SILENT GROAN OF FRUSTRATION* My beautiful headers were missing from several chapters *SOB* The good news is, I fixed it! So feel free to go back to old chapters in order to get the full experience with the visuals :-D
          I appreciate your support! 
          Have a lovely day <3
          ~ Ya Darling Queen


Hey all!
          I added 2 more chapters of my Ice Cream Bar, Book 1! Choose your own adventure: spicy >:) or fluffy :)
          You get an introduction to ChaMin (PP Krit) and JiHoon (Billkin) and learn more of Keep (Jimmy)'s backstory.
          Let me know what you think! Keep the comments and votes coming :-D


@lisahiatt Good, keep me accountable ;)


@YAAASDRAMAQUEEN lol that's ok. I would have just bugged you on FB if I had to wait any longer!  Kidding, I wait patiently! Kind of .... Lol 


Hey friends! I just wanted to touch base with you all about the Ice Cream series so far  I want you to know that I recognize that there's been a lot of jumping from character to character in these first few chapters. I appreciate you sticking with it. I knew this would be a challenge for the first book of a series with so many characters. I want to make you readers feel familiar enough with all of the couples in this book so that the other books make sense. Now that most of the introductions are done, the rest of the book will focus on the primary couple of this book - Keep and Lucky (mii2 for those of us in the fandom )
          Thanks for the love! Keep the comments and votes coming please!
          Ya Drama Queen