Gonna add some of my own artwork into my own stories, just want to see how far I progress  on drawing sans for once. As much as I love sans and his many different versions of him. I've never drew him before. Hope I don't make him look like peanut sans. 
          	Here's the original meme. 


Gonna add some of my own artwork into my own stories, just want to see how far I progress  on drawing sans for once. As much as I love sans and his many different versions of him. I've never drew him before. Hope I don't make him look like peanut sans. 
          Here's the original meme. 


Eh, anyone who ships killermare?


            You’re welcome
            You’ve always written good stuff and I can’t wait to see more :D


Hello, sorry for bothering you but I wanted to ask how you started the first story and do you have any recommendations on what to do when it comes to writing Yandere stories?


            Hey, sorry for taking awhile to respond to you. I’m quitting wattpad and focusing more on my art and videos.
            Anyway, to start off. You need to build up in the Yanderes lover in the story, make them likable and relatable. Make us care for them and see why the Yandere would want to be with them. As for the Yandere, they can be normal or that one quiet kid in school. Make them likable as well and try to explain on why they’re obsessed with the love of their life. If it’s a one shots book. Try to summarize the story and be willing to give a dark ending. No need to be sweet. 
            Like my very first. It’s deleted. But when it was up. It had a really sappy ending which makes me cringe to this very day. No need to sugarcoat anything when it comes to the endings.
            But, hey that’s my advice. Hope it helps^^


Would anyone be interested if open another roleplay discord server?


@YANDERE_LORD_OFFICAL yeah I do! but I mostly rp as characters from different fandoms and stuff.


            sounds great! I'll probably open it next week. Do you have an OC?


@YANDERE_LORD_OFFICAL  ye! I've been searching for a way to devlop my cringy rp and writing-


Hey guys. 
          Sorry I haven't been writing anything this past year. I'm just taking a long year break from writing and focusing on myself and I just need a break from writing Yandere fan fiction. Right now, I wanna roleplay and have fun. Don't think I'm dead or anything. I just wanna be a normal teen doing normal things. After 2021, I promise to return to writing and write more yandere fan fiction! >:) 
          Thanks for reading, and, take care!


We dont care, we will still love and care about you 