Hi everyone:( i have a slight problem with my bestest FRIENDS,
They couldn't accept the fact that im a huge fangirl of Kpop and im a wattpad adict so they started teasing me, and it came to the point where they insulted my UB (Jimin) so i got really dissapointed in them, it continued for 2 days until they added my name so thats when i started to get really pissed of bc its not joking around anymore its already bullying. I avoided them since they still kept singing it. I told this to my Mom and she said if i felt uncomfortable i could continue avoiding them, i told my problem to another friend but turns out she doesn't care at all and she also sang it. And the day came that i was writing in my notebook when almost all of my classmates were playing this game (all the class officers are even playing it!!) so i listed down their names and gave it to our Math teacher, when they found out it was ne who wrote the names they got mad at me, well i dont really care about them i only cared when i knew even my bestest friends are mad at me so thats when i got depressed and cried in the classroom (which is totes emabarrasing!!) and when i got home i told my Mom about it i cried a bucket of tears.
So anyways the question is: should i stop avoiding my bestest friends or should i just stick around with my new friends who are trying to like Kpop?