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I want there to be a fanfic with the reader(us) having the complete dipshit personality of Adam(from HH) and maybe his appearance too (humanoid and demonoid) I just think it would be a funny crack fic that slowly becomes way too serious (idk what other fandom we would crossover into but it’s up for interpretation)


oops didn’t mean to notify my bad guys


this message may be offensive
I want there to be a fanfic with the reader(us) having the complete dipshit personality of Adam(from HH) and maybe his appearance too (humanoid and demonoid) I just think it would be a funny crack fic that slowly becomes way too serious (idk what other fandom we would crossover into but it’s up for interpretation)


oops didn’t mean to notify my bad guys


You all know the cliche NAJ!Fgod Error reborn books? Most of them where discontinued when blogthegreatrouge was revealed to be a not so good person (more here—> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L4vIa-UEZgg&pp=ygUfYmxvZ3RoZWdyZWF0cm91Z2UgbmVyZCBhbmQgam9jaw%3D%3D )
          well im doing a re-write where Error and Nightmare are together when the multiverse is about to collapse and they go skydiving into the void hehe
          Im not that good at writing so when the whole thing is finished (idk how that’ll happen because idk the ending yet) I’ll publish the summary (which has all the plot details in it etc)
          If you’re interested in me actually doing this and publishing it please interact and tell me or I’ll probably never get motivated to do it lmao


Also what should the title be (give me ideas I’m not that good at idea)


I have to wake up at 5:30am (in an hour ish for me) and I haven’t slept a wink, keeping myself busy with cleaning up stuff on my phone and processing my grandma’s passing I guess idfk, I’m gonna have one hell of a nap on the bus to school B)