Lasst uns die Weihnachtszeit nutzen, um innezuhalten, Kraft zu tanken und die kleinen und großen Wunder des Lebens zu schätzen. Ich hoffe, dass ihr von Glück und Liebe umgeben seid und dass das kommende Jahr voller positiver Überraschungen und Möglichkeiten für euch sein wird.
          	Ich wünsche euch allen von Herzen ein besinnliches und friedliches Weihnachtsfest im Kreise eurer Liebsten.
          	Frohe Weihnachten und ein strahlendes neues Jahr!
          	Let's use the Christmas season to pause, recharge our batteries and appreciate the small and big miracles of life. I hope that you are surrounded by happiness and love and that the coming year will be full of positive surprises and opportunities for you.
          	I wish you all a peaceful and contemplative Christmas with your loved ones.
          	Merry Christmas and a bright New Year!
          	Best wishes,


Lasst uns die Weihnachtszeit nutzen, um innezuhalten, Kraft zu tanken und die kleinen und großen Wunder des Lebens zu schätzen. Ich hoffe, dass ihr von Glück und Liebe umgeben seid und dass das kommende Jahr voller positiver Überraschungen und Möglichkeiten für euch sein wird.
          Ich wünsche euch allen von Herzen ein besinnliches und friedliches Weihnachtsfest im Kreise eurer Liebsten.
          Frohe Weihnachten und ein strahlendes neues Jahr!
          Let's use the Christmas season to pause, recharge our batteries and appreciate the small and big miracles of life. I hope that you are surrounded by happiness and love and that the coming year will be full of positive surprises and opportunities for you.
          I wish you all a peaceful and contemplative Christmas with your loved ones.
          Merry Christmas and a bright New Year!
          Best wishes,


Announcement: Grand Opening of Cover Verse Portfolio!
          Dear Reader,
          I am thrilled to invite you to the grand opening of my latest project, “Cover Verse Portfolio”, on October 14, 2024! This unique collection will feature stunning book covers created by me under the request of authors from around the world. It’s a celebration of creativity and collaboration, and I can’t wait to share it with you.
          In this project, authors can request custom book covers, and instead of traditional payment, we will be using a unique exchange system. This innovative approach allows us to foster a community of mutual support and creativity.
          Join us for the unveiling of these beautiful covers and be part of an exciting journey. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more updates!
          Warm regards, 


Dear, YDKMNIE   
          I hope this message finds you well. I am excited to personally invite you to the grand opening of my latest project, “Cover Verse Portfolio”, on October 14, 2024. This unique collection will feature stunning book covers created by me under the request of different authors around the world.
          In this project, authors can request custom book covers, and instead of traditional payment, we will be using a unique exchange system. This innovative approach allows us to foster a community of mutual support and creativity.
          Your presence would mean a lot to me, and I believe your contributions could add immense value to this project. I look forward to celebrating creativity and collaboration with you.
          Warm regards, 


@YDKMNIE sorry to say this sis but I have not totally started making your request because I don't know what type of template you want what type of font style you want what type of font colour you want so kindly wait till tomorrow 6pm (IST) but i translated the language which was written in author's description it showed it's German so according to Germany's time it would be 2:30 pm so on 2:30 pm I will upload my book "cover verse" then by seeing the templates and font colour font size and by filling the form and submitting it your order will be uploaded after few days or time


            Oops, sorry about that! I totally get it now. I’ll make sure to fill out the form on the 14th of October, no worries. Looking forward to seeing what you create! And I really appreciate that you're already starting on orders—so sweet of you!^⁠_⁠^
            Thanks again,


@YDKMNIE and I would love to fullfill the order in fact I will start making the book covers right now as you have requested but you will get your order if you will fill the form the form won't contain something suspicious only order related details will be there and in payment no money only simple things Iike adding the book  in reading list and giving credits of the book  cover will be there 


Hey today I came across your sickfic book. And I really liked it. Are the request open or you aren't working on it any more


@ rmjkjin006  Sure. I will try it.


@rmjkjin006 um thank you. It's a namjoon hurtfic where he gets kiddnnaped and get badly hurt and abused and friends his members are trying their best to save him and they succed in that. The plot can be of your choice . Like it can be a namjoon obsessed fan or a anti of namjoon or some clitch gang doing it for ransom or maybe someone from namjoon s past. You can choose it according to you . That's all I have . I would be very glad if you write it


@ rmjkjin006  The requests are always open (for the BTS and I story too, if you have ideas for that too). If you would like I can write you one.