
Yo did somethingclever disappear for you? Tryna read the new chapters and I can’t find him


Dude, tell him sorry from my username, and also tell him that if I ever see him on wattpad again I'll follow him. He hasn't lost everything yet.


Copy and pasted from reddit^


Sorry of this is a bit ranty. Never posted on reddit before.
            My Wattpad username was Somethingclever117. None of you know me, to be honest, I don't know why I went to reddit for this. It was just the first place I saw where I could get the message out there and I need to vent. I'm shaking as I'm writing this.
            Woke up this morning to find my account had been terminated. My stories gone, and after having a panic attack, vomiting, and then contacting the helpdesk, they tell me it could have been any number of reasons, probably copyright due to what they were and in their words. It is final.
            If that ain't a kick in the teeth IDK what is. I'm still holding out hope, but it's looking bad. Writing on Wattpad, was my therapy, my community. Now? Nada. Truly the fattest of L's. Normally I'd just say F.I.S.H. But I honestly don't know what to do with myself now.
            It finally hit me that if this isn't resolved, months and months of my life are gone for a story nobody's even going to remember. It wasn't amazing, it was nowhere near finished, and yes before you ask, it was fanfiction. But it was mine...well, in my heart at least.
            Turns out, I'm not so clever.
            TLDR. My account got closed, lost months to years of work. Probably gave myself a hernia too. Off to cry.


Doo Doo diarrhea footlong


@Panzerarrow44 what happened to osama bin laden's cave?