Hello all ,its been a while I know I've been really busy to update my stories beacsue i was working on something a new book but this time this is a series of books , this book will not be released until next year but i have made a trailer!!:) golden mask seems like no one has been reading it I can understand tho ,I think for you guys just the cutest one and all are not your type I get it before I release my new book next year I will be releasing a romance book. And that book might not be fanfic maybe it might maybe it might not,anyways this new book series is called *cue drumroll* 'DROWN THE NIGHT' this series will in total contain either 3 or 2 books in that the first books trailer is all ready sooo here goes nothing hope you guys enjoy link is here https://youtu.be/XaXkVu8bMxA Please go watch and like and all subscribe and please support golden mask