Today is 7th November. This day comes every year and to majority of us, it isn't supposed to mean anything special. But this was very special for the person through whom we all are connected. She got "unofficially" engaged today and though it makes no sense when you hear it for the first time, you get the context later.
So flashback! A few years back, our group of friends were all sitting in a hostel room like normal people and talking about nothing. Anshika bursts into the room and declares that Rahul finally proposed on the phone and before we can make sense of what she just said, she jumps around like the literal Khargosh she was. She was already engaged from what she had told all of us earlier and she had a ring too. When I pointed it out, she just said that "yes she is engaged, but Rahul proposed five minutes back only." And that made no sense! I just assumed that it was some inside joke between them.
Anyway, we didn't even question it again. We played songs and danced around the room, which later earned us a scolding from the warden, but it was worth it. Since this day held a great significance, we all started celebrating it in the following years.
This year too, the friends who lived nearby met up at a common place, and the others joined in through video calls. Even though Anshika wasn't here to recall and recite the incident today and sit through our teasing, we all tried our best to do it for her.
It made no sense that her virtual friends shouldn't be a part of the happiness. Today was special to her, so instead of feeling void after reading this, do put up a big smile to celebrate. That's what we all did. I am sure she is up there, watching all this and smiling herself.