Hi everybody, I whrite this message for all english peoples, because you know, I whrite "CroesBros and Us" english version, and I think that I make some mistakes, so I want to ask you a service, if you see some grave mistakes, please tell me in comment in every chapter (if they're on all chapter), I count on you! Thanks!!!


Hi everybody, I whrite this message for all english peoples, because you know, I whrite "CroesBros and Us" english version, and I think that I make some mistakes, so I want to ask you a service, if you see some grave mistakes, please tell me in comment in every chapter (if they're on all chapter), I count on you! Thanks!!!


I know you are, you know too who I am...
          Please don't say my true name, darling.
          Plus sérieusement, désolée... Je ne t'ai même pas vu dans mes abonnements, quelle amie fais-je ! J'espère que tu ne m'en veux pas... 
          Te dice buenas noches mi amiga y... Es todó ^^'


@Rebellaura65 Maybe fine, maybe tired.


@ Elodie22mdr  hello how are you ?