
Spoi, we finally got a question! It's from Jeremy_Heere to me.
          Who's your best friend?
          My answer: Well, the people I get along with, (that certainly won't disown me), but you are my BESTEST FRIEND!!
          What have I just written-


Let's do traditional for the first one. Gotta make it special -w-


            sorry for the late reply i was doing a sleepy,
            hh do you want the art digital or traditional :v??


          I don't know if this is even my business, or if you'll even see
          But Snowy isn't okay
          I don't know how to convince them not to hurt themself, and they think you hate them
          They told me about the Cuphead shipping thing and they're worried you hate them
          Idk if multiple things are piling up on Snowy at once,, but things are happening. Like, serious things. As in, Snowy said they tried to drown themself,,
          I'm not trying to guilt-trip you, and Snowy probably isn't, either-
          I don't know how to fix things
          Can you message them or something
          Let them know you care.
          Please- (it'syourchoiceandallbutplease-)