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@ti_2107 Bruh, when i heard baek had a health condition, OMGGG, i felt like crying!!! Whenever we see him, in every fucking video, I've never seen him cry, like never!! The only time i saw him break was in a CBX concert while singing paper cuts.. he's ALWAYSSSS smiling and cracking jokes, being the clown to make everyyy fucking body laugh, gosshhh, he was hurting, he was fucking hurting and i didn't even knoww... Uffff, I'm spending my days listening to his songs.... Honestly, i fell in love with EXO bcoz of his voice, i first heard him sing the last part of Cosmic Raliway and i instantly fell in love, i didn't see his face or didn't know anything about kpop and all.. but one single line in his voice was all that pulled me into EXO world and kpop world. All thanks to baek and ufff, he saved me soo many times like countless, I won't start bcoz I'll never stop telling lol...