
@abigailpitrucha  You should! They're pretty good movies. Behind Blue Skies was a bit confusing because where I watched it, the English subtitles didn't correctly match up to the Swedish words all the time(I know a bit of Swedish). But otherwise, you can watch Simple Simon on YouTube.


@abigailpitrucha  You should! They're pretty good movies. Behind Blue Skies was a bit confusing because where I watched it, the English subtitles didn't correctly match up to the Swedish words all the time(I know a bit of Swedish). But otherwise, you can watch Simple Simon on YouTube.


@abigailpitrucha Oh my god, thank you! And he was in Simon and the Oaks(Simon och Ekarna), Behind Blue Skies, Simple Simon(I Rymden inga finns Kanslör), all are Swedish films. I think he was in more, but those are the ones that I know off and have seen.


@Yaaooo those films are all amazing and made me want to learn Swedish after I become fluent in German and French lol. Love your short stories by the way