Hello! Thank you for following me! I read you're bio and I've also read The Diary Of A Young Girl. To be honest you're the first person I've met who's read it as well :)
@YaelReider29 Aww thank you! And I don't think it's weird at all to be interested in the Holocaust. I myself for one am very interested in the Salamen Wich Trials :)
@Athena_Danger Hi! Thank you for following me back! I don't really know what to say! First of all, thank you for your kind and encouraging comments, It has had such a positive impact on me and encouraged me beyond words! Secondly, you are also one of the only people I have met who has read The Diary Of A Young Girl. It's such an amazing book. Thirdly, it is so nice to meet a person who does not think that I am weird because I am interested in the Holocaust. Kate:)