Gloria Corporis Ex Altiora
  • Дата регистрацииJuly 20, 2020

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YahRuach YahRuach Jan 19, 2021 03:57PM
Greetings readers, Chapter 7 of Babylon Has Fallen is out.It's longer than the other chapters, but in this chapter I believe there is lots of quality and lots of quantity.Enjoy.your friend- Yah R...
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Истории от Yah Ruach
Fuck Off - A philosophical discourse on contemporary bullshit от YahRuach
Fuck Off - A philosophical discour...
You read the title you bastard/bitch/bastich/bitchtard
A Lover of Thousand Lives от YahRuach
A Lover of Thousand Lives
A short story about God's lonely man.
Adrift от YahRuach
A short vignette of a phone call between two people.
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