
A friend of mine asked me what I thought of the new season of hotd so far, they’re more of a casual watcher and only knows a bit of the book canon from this universe, and I honestly could not say much about it. Like, it looks pretty? That’s kind of about it because the writing is so bad and detrimental to its former potential. This show could have been spectacular, showcasing complex characters and telling really interesting stories through these characters. But nope, it’s a tb fan fiction that has such horrible favoritism that it ends up actually making tb look so much worse and less interesting compared to their book counterparts. And the tg side of the family is set up so badly that they’re no longer recognizable characters. And all characters in this show are so inconsistent… and not to mention the writers and showrunners either seem to not have read the book or have truly studied it enough to adapt the story well 


A friend of mine asked me what I thought of the new season of hotd so far, they’re more of a casual watcher and only knows a bit of the book canon from this universe, and I honestly could not say much about it. Like, it looks pretty? That’s kind of about it because the writing is so bad and detrimental to its former potential. This show could have been spectacular, showcasing complex characters and telling really interesting stories through these characters. But nope, it’s a tb fan fiction that has such horrible favoritism that it ends up actually making tb look so much worse and less interesting compared to their book counterparts. And the tg side of the family is set up so badly that they’re no longer recognizable characters. And all characters in this show are so inconsistent… and not to mention the writers and showrunners either seem to not have read the book or have truly studied it enough to adapt the story well 


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Honestly, I don’t think I’m gonna watch the rest of the show after seeing episode 1. Or maybe I will once it’s over but I doubt I’ll enjoy it. If episode 1 is what it’s gonna be like for the rest of the season, I’m honestly not that interested. 
          As much as B&C is horrific and probably way too dark for television (altho considering some of the fucked up things they did in GOT I have my own doubts), the way they played it out in the episode was horrible and underwhelming and it was obviously written in a way to make you sympathetic for the Black faction while invalidating a real trauma for the Greens. 
          This whole show has rewritten both factions to a point where most characters are unrecognizable from the source material or even MISSING is absurd. 
          I love the actors, and I really want to support them for their amazing performances, but it’s honestly so painful to watch such originally complex and interesting characters be stripped of what made them interesting in the narrative in the first place. Sure the show is still a tragedy, but it’s not the same tragedy that I’ve come to understand it was supposed to be. 
          And if that’s how it’s gonna continue to be, with biased writing that makes it clear the show runners have no care or understanding of the themes of the source material, then I don’t want it. 
          I’ll stick to fan fiction, thank you very much. 


But it’s definitely motivated me to write losing Game with MAJOR canon plot revisions 


So I have seen episodes 2 & 3, and it’s definitely not my cup of tea. There were some moments that I liked, but most of it overall was just… I honestly can’t even. As always, it’s aesthetically nice to look at and stuff, but that’s about it. I honestly hated ep 3 more than I did ep 1. So yeah there’s that


Hi guys! I’m back! A little update about me! I got in a really bad accident in March and I’ve been unable to update obviously. To spare yall the details, I was in fact able to graduate, I just didn’t get to walk, but that’s fine… I am currently looking for a new job, so that’s always fun (*sarcastic*) but I’ll start trying to write again. 


In the time that I haven’t been able to update, I’ve been reading lots of stories tho, and I must say, I feel that was really therapeutic for me and my motivation to write. I feel like I’ve renewed my passion recently, so let’s hope it lasts :) 


honestly I tried updating silver rose but like it’s been so long that I just… forgot how to write for some of the characters??? So I tried rereading my story and IM SORRY BUT I HATE ALMOST ALL OF ACT TWO ITS SO BAD AND I HAAAAATE ITTTTT! AAAAAAARRRRGH


Aww ☺️ thanks I’m glad you do… i just have the great urge to rewrite it but I know that I shouldn’t until I’ve finished it at least 


@ YanMei23  i don't know if this can help but i really loved that story


i haven't written for kpop in a while (and while that's been deliberate), a part of me really misses it. Especially since I've been in a particularly strong Stray Kids kick right now... but i don't know if I want to post it here... maybe I'll post it on AO3? Idk, would you guys even read kpop fics from me still?


@YanMei23 honestly, i'd read anything you write babe


Honestly I just have so many thought about the Netflix avatar show… like it was cool and so pretty to look at… and there were many things they did great at… but it just, I don’t know, I felt like a lot of the core themes and story beats were just missing or felt so.. hollow? Idk it’s not a bad adaptation like the movie that shall not be named, but I don’t think it’s a great one either. It’s a good show on its own, but I do think it kind of dropped the ball for some things like being a more loyal adaptation in favor of doing things their own way. But I did enjoy watching it, so there’s that. I’m not disappointed to an extent that I want to erase it from my memory, but I am a little bit that it turned out the way it did 


I just feel like some of the direction and writing was kind of disappointing, but I think the actors were great with what they were given. I just wish Hollywood would understand what made the original avatar the last airbender great in the first place…


hi !!  when will you update golden hour?


@YanMei23 i recommend movie4kto it’s much better and no ads


I hope so too ♥ I recommend using 123movies. there will be a few adds but you can watch the last kingdom for free hehe


I’m not totally sure. I’ve been working on it but with school and work and the honestly absurd rise in price for Netflix (and other streaming apps), I haven’t been as able to write as much as I would like this last year or so. tho I hope I can get back into soon  