


Okay, so I know that nobody gives a damn, but the reason why I've been so incredibly dead is because 
          1. I've been having a bit of a tough time here lately
          2. School
          3. Got my Chromebook taken
          4. Lack of inspiration
          I hope this clears things up


Hello everyone. This is going to be a very serious topic regarding the death of an innocent African American man named George Floyd. For those who don't know the story, George Floyd was a man who was put under arrest for, in my opinion, no good reason. For resisting arrest, George Floyd was strangled and killed. He did not fight or verbally provoke the officer, he simply said, "Officer, I can't breathe.".  I seriously thought we, as a society, were past this. This racism and abuse of power.  Unfortunately, I was wrong.  I think that everyone needs to see that we are all part of the same planet. We all live together whether we know each other or not. We need to take care of each other, regardless of skin colour, ability or disability, age,  height, weight, gender, wealth (or lack of thereof), religion or sexuality. We need to realize that skin colour is something of the surface. We are all people and should be treated that way. I'm not saying that we all have to like each other, because that is impossible, but we need to at least be kind to each other.


I'm finally starting to work on chapter 9 and I'm really happy with how it's going so far. I'm gonna start trying to make chapters longer so they feel more significant and cover more. That way, my story won't have 3,000 chapters and 2,000 of them are useless.
          Stay tuned, lovelies!
          - Meep/Author-Chan


So I noticed @clown_face_012 mentioned me on her profile, so go follow her cuz
          1. She's an awesome friend and cousin -w-
          2. She's a really good author
          3. Because, why not, right?


@clown_face_012 I wouldn't say it if it weren't true!