Hello Love ... ♥
The name is Iyana (eye-yawn-uh) but most people call me Yanna c:
Who am I you say? Well...
I'm a girl that has one brother, two sisters, two step sisters, and two step brothers.
Big family (:
I'm 13 years young and I'm pretty shy... but once you get to know me I'm actually crazy O.o :P
I absolutely LOVE fashion! Clothes, sandals, accesories, nail polish, piercings. You name it.
Im 73% girly and 27% tomboy xP
( And if you hate me because of my girlyness, Fuck Off -.-" )
I love Rap, R&B, Screamo, Dub Step, Reggae, Pop, Techno, Gospel. Anything really except for Country.
I love writing and reading romance and paranormal stories.
I'm definitely a hopeless romantic. By the way, is that a good thing?
I'm African American but that shouldn't change anything.
Sometimes I just like to be locked in a room with my computer and ignore everything in my life.
I look up to Marilyn Monroe because her quotes make me feel better about myself.
I accept gay rights, but I am a straight girl c:
And one day I hope to become a famous actress and have a beautiful family.
So yeah... That's me, Iyana.
An average teenage girl. Well actually... not average at all ^.^
Take Care Love ... ♥

P.S - You're So Fucking Gorgeous ! (^-^)
  • In Arizona licking lollipops :3
  • JoinedJuly 17, 2012
