For all the brave readers still reading and rereading If We Exist, I love you. Thank you❤️! I wrote it during a weird time in my life. I wrote it from August to September over the course of 2 years. For me this story will always have autumn/fall feelings embedded in its sad, lonely, existential bones (what better season to reminds us of our brief but beautiful existence?) I love this story with all my might even when I sometimes cringe at certain passages (my writing has definitely matured). I cried writing it. I love the characters as if they were living, existing people. It gives me hope to imagine them truly existing out there in the world, perhaps finding a better ending than I could’ve give them.
I just wanted to thank you lovely reader for reading it, and honor the time and the courage it took to write it and share it with the world when I had no platform. I’m happy that these characters have found a home in your mind—that they continue to live in your imagination❤️