A new chapter for the champions doctor is out ❤️
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A new chapter for the champions doctor is out ❤️
A new chapter for the champions doctor is out ❤️
Hi cuties! I hope everyone is well just wanted to come on here and update a little about my books. I have a chapter for The champions doctor done and also half a chapter for Fame. For the champions doctor I just need to go over and maybe add a little more to it I'm not sure when I'll update maybe this week I don't know. I'm sorry for keeping you all waiting I really wanted this new year to be fresh and that I update a chapter each week since sometimes I write so much I can't stop. This new year though......f**** really got me bad if I'm honest. My child home I grew up in is no longer mine or my family's the house that my grandma that passed from cancer is gone and no longer ours. It didn't get destroyed just my mom didn't pay the insurance for one month but paid the rent and well since we were so close to paying of our house they try to find any little thing to take it away. There so much more details that go into my child home and why we lost that'll be too much to write basically I lost my childhood home and no it's not my mothers fault and I don't blame her the only things is I wish she would of told me sooner that she was struggling any money she asked of me I would give her no questioned asked but I guess everything happens for a reason. I'm dealing with that and one thing I was looking forward to was a new job I was applying for that my cousins work in I was excited to not have a server job as my main income it's easy money more like a gamble when you're a server but freak you really see how guest will treat you like a freaking personal servant I've had guest shake their drinks in my face for a refill after I already told them Id be back with a fresh cup. I've been given attitude cause their food was over cooked I've had guest tip me a penny or five cents. I know the whole tipping community is a big debate and I'm not those servers that want twenty dollars for each table but come on five cents and I do do my job right I'm the best people pleaser out there.
Wait omg I know I’m late but that is genuinely horrible☹️☹️☹️ I hope your life and everything for you can get better for you and you get you childhood house back!!! I’m sure it has a load of sentimental value to you and I hope everything can smooth out for you and get better!!!! Sending lots of love!!
Oh honeyy dont you worry you must goign through alot and im so sorry but dont you put your head down theres gonna be brights plans ahead of dont let the storm your going through break you down keep on pushing you got this honey we love your books so much the potential you have is immaculate i will never get tired of saying this especially on The Champions Doctor love that book with all my heart seriously but none the less keep on pushing honey keep on wanting more for yourself ❤️
@Yaoi_lover_sasunaru sounds like you are going through a lot :( Sometimes when things feel like theyre falling apart, it's an opportunity to step back, look at your path and decide where you want it to go. Not getting that new job could be just the universe telling you it wasn't the right fit for you and what you're really looking for is just around the corner. Keep your eyes and mind open and remember you have a bunch random strangers on the internet cheering you on. Now, go. Kick ass. Take names. All the things.
ohhh lord i cant wait for the next chapter of The champions doctor like literally not rushing you or anything i promise you just have such talent that really showed in that story chef kiss literally ❤️❤️
ur stories just give me a moment of relaxation and peace whenever i get to read them and a boost of different emotions when reading thr champions doctor that story just has me in a chokehold my favorite seriously!! ❤️
Hi loves just wanted to say happy new years even though we are on the 2nd already. My goals for this platform is to obviously update my books frequently and finish them once and for all. I hope this new year whatever you all planned that you achieve your goals for my 2024 was not it at all. The whole year was working stressing about bills and repeat I’m exhausted still exhausted to the point writing was feeling like a chore because I was just tired. If you had a wonderful 2024 then good for you and I mean that in a good way. I know sometimes someone can have a TERRIBLE year and someone else could have had the best year of their lives. I’m excited for this year and I’m trying to keep positive I’m honestly excited to update soon and be on here more. My main purpose on here is to write about two characters that I love and that they entertain you. I want my books to be something you all get excited for or that they bring you peace. Love you all!
@ Yaoi_lover_sasunaru I always find peace and excitement in your stories! I hope this year will be good for you! Keep doing your best! Sending love!
@Yaoi_lover_sasunaru Hello I really love sasunaru so thank you for writing them and happy new year too..hope you achieve whatever plan you have this year
Update fame and my life is yours
hey bookie, i was wondering if you ever gonna continue on with "Just One Year' or "Fame" i'm like obsessed with all your books but those two are in my top favs
@youreaveragewriter hi love yes I desperately want to update on my books!!! I was just think about fame so I hoping to start working on chapter today ❤️
About to update the quiet teachers pet rahhhhhh!!!
@Yaoi_lover_sasunaru how about your other stories are you not going to continue ? I love your story.. please continue your other stories
are you missing a chapter in the sasunaru oneshots? I swear there was one where sasuke was keeping Naruto somewhere but Naruto didn’t want to stay so sasuke let him leave but Naruto ended up coming back or something like that. Also there was a barn involved that sasuke had bought for him?? Idk it’s been so long since I read it.
@mxdyixt hi love no it is not missing that one should be the fifth one shot called alpha and omega ❤️
Hi loves :) A new chapter for The Champions Doctor should be up soon. I’m just going to proof read it so maybe give me an hour to edit and re-read and it should be up! Also sorry for the long delays haven’t been feeling the best :(
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