
New story out, check it out i guess


Bnha horror game idea: you're Aizawa, trapped inside of a dream were erasure is active even when you don't want to, and it drains your energy, so you can close your eyes. But there are also things chasing you throughout the dream, and the only way to beat them is by using erasure on them. But those same things can sneak up on you when you close your eyes to regain your energy. You go through the game encountering more and more things, each encounter getting harder and harder, and you have to eventually escape or the things will kill you. Your energy drains to much cause you haven't closed your eyes much, you're dead. Let a thing sneak up on you when your eyes are closed, dead. Fail to reach the end and escape the dream, dead.


You're lying on the sofa under a blanket, lights dimmed, watching your favorite TV show. Your cat is laid across you, sleeping but purring quietly. All is calm. All is good. 
          But then out of the corner of your eye you spot him. Shia Lebouf


I'd prefer hentai, but that works too I guess


For the live Percy Jackson series, Little V from Youtube should be Hades


@NSTOV02 I don't even know anymore


Who are you and why am I following you?