
Hey it's me your best friend yamada-Kun and I have a plan to become almighty but first were going to have to destroy the government then get me a soul so I could be alive again and then kill jaden since he's evil and were good guys I think....were really not good at all huh


 Hmmmm but again splinters do hurt when you least expect it ah!  how about we have that with the blood of a arch demon 


@Xxx_gr8_m8_xxX My lord, I suggest a more sensitive weapon, such as a titanium fist, coated with Cobra venom, with iron spikes?


Now let us take over the world with a wooden fist 


Hi Yareli! 
          First of all, I just want to apologize for not responding to your AMAZINGLY AWESOME SUPER SWEET OUT OF THIS FREAKING WORLD MESSAGE YOU SENT ME. I have no idea how I did not see that. It honestly made my entire day. I am SO thankful for everything you've said and honestly so thankful to have someone just as wonderful as you reading my books. Seriously. You are so sweet! The thing that I love the most about writing is that it connects people in such an amazing way. And I'm happy my work could do that for you. RBBR is such a special story in my heart and hearing how much you liked it really means the world. And the fact that you would want to read His Melody just makes everything even more, well, awesome. I've been using that word a lot lately. I don't know why. It's just the best thing to rely my feelings right now. Please never change. Please continue to get the joy you do out of books, whether it's mine, another's, or even your own work. 
          Thank you so much for your message. ❤️ 
          Much love, 


@ simranm17  
            I just internally died. 