Dear all, I'm sorry that I'm not able to continue my books. It was very hard to combine my private live with Wattpad. Unfortunately, I couldn't make you guys happy with new chapters. My sincere apologies for that. I'm moving to Indonesia on monday. I don't know if any of you live there, but if so hit me up and let me know what I shouldn't miss in Jakarta! I can't thank you all for all the love I recieved in the years I was active on Wattpad. I made some great friends who I love so much. I still can't believe that you chose my books, that you cried with me and laughed with me through every chapter. Thanks to you I found the courage to start a blog, so I can share my thoughts and experiences while I'm abroad. I'm not sure if I will do it in English, but if you are interested maybe I will think about it and share the page with you. This will contain a lot of personal things, so my mask as Yasmin Su will come to an end. I wish I could show my love for you all. I wish you all the best and I hope to see you soon again ❤️ With lots of love, Yasmin Su

I'm sad to hear that, but I know and I understand how Wattpad can be 'intrusive' in one's life, thus the willingness to put it aside to continue your life. Indonesia, from what I read here and there, is a lovely archipelago and I hope you will be pleased there. I would like to thank you a thousand time for your entertaining stories, and for your attachment for readers, a very rare virtue that cannot not be acknowledged. I wish you all the best, Yasmina