
this message may be offensive
Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long. I've been sick and this adulting shit is kicking my ass    but I promise I will update real soon.  Xoxo 


Hey, If you're seeing this it means that the witches' letters have arrived at your doorstep so take some moments out of your busy life to read this letter from our witches. 
          You are probably seeing this letter because you're a writer who loves to create a world of your own. If you are, then you probably have the need to improve and discover more about yourself; if these are the case, then here's our review shop by The Phantom Community. 
          Our lovely witches are awaiting your arrival at the shop as they have pleasant packages for you, if you would love to see these packages then visit our review shop. 
          Have a great day. 


Gurl can I just say you're quite the talented author. The way you make the readers feel what the characters feel, the intense emotions of rage, sadness, butterflies, etc, are just amazing. I truly admire the way you write, and the way you're able to get people sucked into a story so easily and quickly. Really, it's very impressive! I can't wait for the update on "Loving my Badboy". I read a lot of books on here, but I can't seem to find one nearly as good as yours. I check to see if there is a new chapter every night, like I said I love it, but take your time I'm just alright with waiting, it's worth it!