
Everyone,I am back.
          	Forgive me for my Hiatus. I am going back and correcting all grammar errors in Sound Angel as well as Talk with my stalker.
          	I will finish these stories. For a long time I had just wanted to give up but I cannot. I will finish Sound Angel and talk with my stalker no matter how long it takes.
          	Everyone who hasn’t given up and have read faithfully,thank you.


Everyone,I am back.
          Forgive me for my Hiatus. I am going back and correcting all grammar errors in Sound Angel as well as Talk with my stalker.
          I will finish these stories. For a long time I had just wanted to give up but I cannot. I will finish Sound Angel and talk with my stalker no matter how long it takes.
          Everyone who hasn’t given up and have read faithfully,thank you.


Everyone,I unpublished the first chapter of sound angel  because I'm editing some things so do not panic.
          Also,the latest chapter is coming along smoothly so it will he out in due time.
          What WILL be coming out hopefully today is the latest talk with my stalker chapter.
          Bye bye now.


Alright guys,this is where sound angel gets extremely serious.
          Now,here,before I release the chapter I'm going to explain a few things
          Number 1:In the latest chapter,Yuuchi and Yoyo are going to have a conversation in japanese that I will NOT translate.that is the point.there are also going to be other bits of japanese I won't translate because they will also correlate to the conversation. there will however be some japanese in there that Yuuchi says that I will translate,since they are simply him being sadistic
          2.I will take sweet sweet time in writing this chapter because I want to make it as descriptive and well written as possible.I won't rush at all with this chapter.
          3.Another reason I have also slowed down the writing process is because I have already written out the conversation Yuuchi and Yoyo will have in japanese but I am currently checking if all my conjugations and forms are correct. (I study japanese diligently but that doesn't mean mistakes can't happen.)
          The reason I am making this conversation in another language is simply because I couldn't think of it in any other way.That's all,find the deeper meaning in that if you want.
          from now on I will be going back and correcting spelling errors and making sure everything is well written.
          please be patient


Attention all followers this is a important message.
          There are many things I must sort out with sound angel.
          how certain things will turn out
          how certain characters will turn out. Ex:Junka,Yuuchi.
          How the ending will turn out
          And many other things.
          Not to mention I must sort out some things in real life such as Studying Japanese and my artistic skills because I do plan to eventually  illustrate Sound angel.
          So,the grand message is,after The latest chapter is released,sound angel will go on a sort of Hiatus as I try to sort and prioritize everything because quite honestly,sound angel is getting darker than I had anticipated,like,really dark so I need to sort out what I'm going to do.I don't have many followers but for you who do read and follow sound angel I am ever grateful.
          also WARNING
          the next chapter is probably going to be the darkest one yet so if you are comfortable with things such as rape or slight torture please refrain from this,alright? love you guys!


Guys! forgive me but! wattpad for some reason didn't save a huge chunk of the story!!! I had to unpublish it!!! I promise when I come back from school I will add it in but for now the latest chapter won't be able to be seen sorry!


Yare yare daze Please don't be mad at this lazy story writer.Basically, My new computer is coming in later than expected (FAK) so please be a bit more patient for the next chapter.Not to mention The chapters will be longer and more detailed since I have always been speed writing.im an impatient girl XD but yeah.Im also going to go back and add more details to the previous chapters so if ya want look back and see it you can note them no? New chapter will be up soon! Baibai!


Alright guys! time for some explaining to do cuz some of my readers got a little confused with some of the latest chapters
          the "school roof incident" refers to the incident between Yoyo and Aine on the school roof when they first met
          The italics refer too a flashback.
          so in the latest chapter where you see everything that went down between Yuuchi's crew that was a flashback because the latest chapter timeskiped to the end of the day ( still the same day the  school roof incident occured)
          also in "beat me till I'm till im bloody with strength" the chapter takes place the same day  of the school roof incident only this time at lunch. in the beginning where there's a little teaser and Yuuchi is hinted to have beat Yoyo up. that occurs A WEEK AFTER the school incident which was ON a Monday.
          its my fault for bad writing all this stuff happends on the same day DX very unrealistic
          the incident between Yoyo aine and yuuchi's crew shall be referred to as the YC Incident.
          the next chapter will be on a Tuesday. and I'll try to be a bit better with the spacing of days and chapters
          I hope this clears up any more complications or question ya had
          please message me if you have any Questions!