
Sorry I haven’t posted a story in a long time!! College stuff is super duper fun and I totally don’t want to stop doing it or anything :/ (note my sarcasm) hope you all are well ❤️


No worries, take your time! Hope everything’s alright 


I don’t know if ive ever said it before, but your Jalex (I’m a walking disaster ones) are a couple of my absolute favourite books on wattpad. I didn’t even realise until recently that they weren’t in my reading lists, so I added them and then *obviously* had to reread and now I’m in a sobbing mess they are still some of my favourites. I’m emotional


Thank you so much! It means a lot to hear that from you :) I’m glad that you enjoyed them so much, that makes me feel so inspired to know that my stories have touched people. I wish you the best, thanks again.


Dude you seem super cool, take all the time you need but I hope you come back at some point :)


Seriously, live in the moment with high school! I like college alright but it’s a lottttt. 


@YeahBoy-DollFace You’re welcome, and awesome! I wish I was in college, still just stuck in high school lmao


Thank you! It means a lot to me, I’ve been trying to do some stuff but we’ll see, I’m pretty occupied with college! Hopefully when I come back it’ll be with fresh ideas and a better writing skill ;) 


Are you gonna write a sequel for I’m a Walking Disaster/ They Told You to Stay Away? They were both so good, and I want to know if there will be more!


@awesome123smiles that means so much to me!! I’m glad that my stories could make a difference for you ❤️ 


Thank you so much, the books are amazing; I would wait any amount of time for them! You have no idea how they have changed my life and helped me see that there are certain choices I need to stay away from. I love your writing so much, thank you for everything.