
this message may be offensive
I love how I'm supposed to be happy because I have this great opportunity yet the only thing I feel is pressured and anxious. I don't know who I want to be. I don't even know who I am. What am I even doing here? What's the meaning of life? I question myself all the time, and you want me to have it all figured out. 
          	I'm scared that if I leave too soon, I'll forget everything and my opportunities will be limited. I'm scared that if I stay too long, I'll be stuck with stress and debt. Everyone aspires to be something -  a doctor, a nurse. I just want peace. You take my lack of determination as laziness, but what use is a battle if you're fighting for nothing?
          	My interests seem so small to you. Everyone wants to be a writer. Everyone wants to be a star. Not everyone gets the chance. Some people reach for the sun and end up behind the counter at a fast food restaurant. You don't want me to be like them.
          	But all I want is to be happy. I don't think you want me to be happy. Stable, yes. You think that means happy. 
          	But there's no balance. The scale keeps toppling from side to side, bearing the weight I carry on my shoulders. Your expectations, my expectations. The expectations of people who don't really know me. 
          	I fret and I fret. Sleep either consumes my soul or avoids me like the plague. The shell of me whispers its deepest darkest fears in the dark. My mind plays a film of 20 years wasted, replaying it every time I close my eyes. You tell me "that's what happens when you're an adult", your words make me feel like a child. 
          	So, the choice is mine, and you know I hate making choices. I can disappoint everyone, or I can disappoint myself. 
          	(My shit post I wrote while dying inside ☠)


@Yeahidonthavethink I don't know what you are going through, but I want to tell you that you are doing the best you can! It's alright. Everything will be okay, it just needs some time. I hope you are doing well, but if you aren't, I am sorry about that. I hope things get better.


this message may be offensive
I love how I'm supposed to be happy because I have this great opportunity yet the only thing I feel is pressured and anxious. I don't know who I want to be. I don't even know who I am. What am I even doing here? What's the meaning of life? I question myself all the time, and you want me to have it all figured out. 
          I'm scared that if I leave too soon, I'll forget everything and my opportunities will be limited. I'm scared that if I stay too long, I'll be stuck with stress and debt. Everyone aspires to be something -  a doctor, a nurse. I just want peace. You take my lack of determination as laziness, but what use is a battle if you're fighting for nothing?
          My interests seem so small to you. Everyone wants to be a writer. Everyone wants to be a star. Not everyone gets the chance. Some people reach for the sun and end up behind the counter at a fast food restaurant. You don't want me to be like them.
          But all I want is to be happy. I don't think you want me to be happy. Stable, yes. You think that means happy. 
          But there's no balance. The scale keeps toppling from side to side, bearing the weight I carry on my shoulders. Your expectations, my expectations. The expectations of people who don't really know me. 
          I fret and I fret. Sleep either consumes my soul or avoids me like the plague. The shell of me whispers its deepest darkest fears in the dark. My mind plays a film of 20 years wasted, replaying it every time I close my eyes. You tell me "that's what happens when you're an adult", your words make me feel like a child. 
          So, the choice is mine, and you know I hate making choices. I can disappoint everyone, or I can disappoint myself. 
          (My shit post I wrote while dying inside ☠)


@Yeahidonthavethink I don't know what you are going through, but I want to tell you that you are doing the best you can! It's alright. Everything will be okay, it just needs some time. I hope you are doing well, but if you aren't, I am sorry about that. I hope things get better.


Hey there I am hosting an award show so would you like to be a judge there? That would be great if you could do so. Because I absolutely love your work.


@Yeahidonthavethink ahh I can understand being a student myself lol  that okay thank you so much, good luck with your studies you have got this 


@janefanfics Hi there! I'd love to be a judge but unfortunately study life has got the best of me recently. Good luck on your awards!


Anybody else hate socialising?
          I keep going to these uni events to socialise with people and instead just end up putting myself in social anxiety inducing situations I don't want to be in.


@Yeahidonthavethink Yeah, I hate it.I just get so nervous and stutter a lot just by talking to one person T_T


Hey, bestie! I'm hoping everything's going well for you. ❤️
          Quick question – do you have plans to bring back some of your old taken-down books? I miss reading your old stories like "Stay At Home," "Christmas in New York," "We're Stuck Here," etc. 
          I remember loving their hilarious humor and whimsical vibe. I know you're busy with your studies these days and might be struggling to find time to write (same here, tbh), so there's no rush or pressure at all. It's just a fun request! Take care, bestie! Love you!


@Jinleen5 Hi bestie! Yeah, everything is going good, just super backed up with study. Sometimes I can barely breathe between assignments and tests haha. How about you? 
            I do have plans to bring some of those back but not on Wattpad...I was hoping to rewrite the plots a bit until I can actually publish them and turn them into real books. Not sure if I'll end up doing it, but I want to. I miss them too, tbh. I miss writing in general. I just don't have anything good to write about anymore, unfortunately. My skills have gone a bit dry lol
            Love you too!(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤


Okay crazy theory but you know how people say that after you die you get seven minutes before your brain shuts down wherein you go through all your memories? Imagine if those creepy shadowy figures you see in the corner of your eye every so often is just the dead version of you from the future, checking in on your memories for the last time.


@Yeahidonthavethink yoooooo stwap bc why it low-key might make me less terrified if I see a Shadow in my room.....I think I'd want to be scared coz idk what could happen. Nice shower thought tho. 


@Yeahidonthavethink AYO! That sounds so cool but terrifying at the same time! o_o


@Yeahidonthavethink From next time, I'll think about this even when I am turning the lights off before going to bed :) 


At the point where I'm getting pretty tired of large film companies releasing mediocre remakes of movies that were amazing alone. 
          Like, guys, come on. You make millions of dollars. Surely you can hire (and appropriately pay) a writer to create plots for original movies. You rely too heavily on the reputation of a brand that is slowly crumbling beneath your feet. Nothing is new, not even your actors. Your movies have gone from passionate art to easy cash grabs, and everyone can see that. You no longer appeal to families; you no longer tell stories and inspire. You catch the attention of small impressionable children, hooking them in with overused fart jokes and colourful characters that have the personality of an overcooked chicken drumstick. They can't tell the difference between your movie and a video from Cocomelon. 
          There used to be a moral to the stories. 
          Now there is none. 
          Just greed.
          Your villains used to have that trait. 
          Now you do.


Does anybody know any good cover shops? My last cover shop deleted on me ☠


@Yeahidonthavethink check out my graphic shop and my graphic reading list


@Yeahidonthavethink The person that does my graphics (@EstelleKnightrise) has a graphic book. It doesn’t appear a batch is open at the moment, but I would definitely keep her in mind. She is amazing.


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Anyone watched the series "From"? 
          Everyone is crazy in it and I'm fucking terrified☠️


@Seong_Grace I think it's only on Stan and it's a horror/thriller. I love it and hate it at the same time༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


@Yeahidonthavethink is it in Netflix, what is the genre?