
          	The process of moving everything across to Patreon is underway. Not everything will be available right away as I don’t plan on blowing anyone’s notifications up more than necessary. By the middle of October, everything will be posted to Patreon.
          	Stories that will continue to be available on Wattpad/will eventually be made available upon /completion/ on Wattpad: 
          	- TL&PT (and 1 of the upcoming sequels)
          	- UTM/PSL/CHL (and anything involving Sol, Alex, Byron and Lachlan)
          	- Chapters 1 & 2 (as well as the prologue) of MS&EN 
          	- Lost & Found (a collection of stories/ficlets surrounding Blake & Charlie and their lives)
          	- Chapters 1-10 of Stay High & KMK (original versions)
          	- Chapters 1-10 of Stay High & KMK (edited original version)
          	- Chapters 1-4 of Stay High & KMK (new editions/completely rewritten and eventually renamed)
          	Updates for TMYS (the story following TL&PT), MS&EN, and the edited original versions of Stay High & KMK will be posted on Patreon only, as well as any new stories I come to post. 
          	Thanks for everything <3


@sstormcloudss the remaining chapters will be posted onto Patreon over the next few days. I don't want to overwhelm notifications so I've split them up, but everything will be available on Patreon by mid-October (: they will be available in the lowest tier ($2AUD a month)


sorry if you answered this in your paragraph and i just didn’t process it correctly lol but where would i be able to read the remaining chapters of stay high & kmk that aren’t being kept on wattpad? are they gonna be included in your patreon too? both of those works are genuinely the best books i have ever read on here and i reread them often for comfort, so i would love to know how the rest of those chapters can be accessed <3


Hi!!! I just came to reread one of my favorite books of all time, Mr. Spice and everything nice, I read it and cry every time (that's a good thing) but I see it's for Patreon only!  I would really love to read it and have a good ugly cry. But is the whole story available? I feel like I remember (though I could be wrong) you mentioning wanting to rewrite it. I would absolutely love to support you and go to your Patreon! But I'd love to be able to binge the book. Thank you! Much love!!! 


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Hey! Shit, I’m so sorry I’m only seeing this now. It’s on Patreon but not yet complete; I estimate roughly 5-8 chapters left (but this could change). I will make an announcement on here when it’s completed! 


Hi, i finished Tea Leaves and Pine Trees. It's wow and have no words to say about this, It's good. I've read your news about moving to patreon. I understand and have a few questions. Are you planning to put The Ascent series on Patreon only? Will you let me know when you complete The Ascent series on Wattpad. Thank you.


@YeetMyselfx Thanks. Take your time and looking forward to it.


Hello! Firstly thank you. The first 3 books (I think) I will post to Wattpad and then the last 3 will be Patreon-exclusive. However the second and third book will first be posted to Patreon as I write them (I am about a 4th of the way into the second book now but it is not yet available on patreon). 
            When it is available (& all other series) on Patreon, i will make an announcement here so people know they can read it over there (or wait a few more months/years until it comes to Wattpad). 
            This is all subject to change of course, as it depends on what my future looks like/if I have time to maintain Patreon, ect. But I will make announcements here as I go. I hope this helped! 


Hi, was just wondering if anyone knows this book where these three guys ( two are neighbors and one is the neighbors friend) wake up and they're suddenly in a zombie apocalypse and fall in love and they end up dying together after being attacked by rabid dogs. When they wake up, the world is normal again and it was all a dream then they find each other and yeah. 
          It's MxMxM and I can't find it anywhere so if anyone knows the name of the book or author plz do tell! Thanks! 


This sounds a lot like “the living dead” which is a book I wrote yeeeaaars ago on here. I have unpublished it as it needs some major edits before I consider putting it back up. If it’s not that though, I can’t help unfortunately . Sorry! 


Are you considering publishing your work on amazon or similar? I love to support authors and I want to buy your books, but I don’t support pay by chapter sites or patreon.  If I pay for the books on those sites, I don’t own them a thus wasting my money if it’s decided to remove them from that platform.  I’ve read them many times in the past and would love to do so again. 


Thanks for the quick reply and that sounds like the perfect solution! I definitely want to make sure you get compensated for all of your hard work, and completely respect you wanting to protect your work! 


Hey! So Stay High, KMK & MS&EN will only be available on Patreon for the time being. There are several reasons I moved to Patreon, 1 of which was to try and stem other creators copying & pasting my stories to other sites. I will eventually (once they are edited) be uploading those stories onto Patreon as PDFs which people can then download (& then only having to pay once for entirety of them). They won’t be published on Amazon or anything similar. I understand it’s frustrating, this is just the repercussions of people not respecting me or my work. Sorry! 
            TL&PT is a draft and will eventually be rewritten entirely - that series may end up published on Amazon, or published in some capacity. (Hopefully). 
            I won’t be taking anything from Patreon down unless they are edited/uploaded as PDFs. If you would like to wait for whenever they will be posted as PDFs, I will eventually make an announcement here. 
            I hope this makes sense! I’ve been very sick for a week so articulating myself isn’t easy right now. 


Hello! Will you also be uploading a complete pdf version of KMK on Patreon like what you'll do on MS&EN? If not, would you consider it? Hoping you'll reply, tysm! 


@7wrldsfrhope alrightyy, tysm and get well soon!


@7wrldsfrhope Helloooo (: as soon as I have edited KMK & Stay High, I will upload them as complete PDFs too! 


Hi sorry if this is random but I've been a fan of UTM for a while now I've read that book like 15 times by now and wanted to know if you were going to update PSL anytime soon I really love that little family a d neeeed to read/see more of them