
1. School holidays are finally here hallelujah and Lordt have I not been on this app in a long time.
          	2. I GOT MY FIRST EVER VOTE ON A BOOK JFBHBVRHJBVHW  THANK U SM TO @nauseoustea for the vote u just made my midnight next chapter will be dedicated to him/her because this made me extremely happy.
          	3. My book will continue I am back and inspired :)
          	4. for those who are interested the weight loss journey is still ongoing and I have currently been maintaining but for an update
          	5. I am much happier than I was a few months ago plus going on holiday in a few days so that too. I prob will write a little bit for my book as well.
          	6. and lastly to all the people that ask me to read their books I will.
          	leaving that at that i say ADIOS


1. School holidays are finally here hallelujah and Lordt have I not been on this app in a long time.
          2. I GOT MY FIRST EVER VOTE ON A BOOK JFBHBVRHJBVHW  THANK U SM TO @nauseoustea for the vote u just made my midnight next chapter will be dedicated to him/her because this made me extremely happy.
          3. My book will continue I am back and inspired :)
          4. for those who are interested the weight loss journey is still ongoing and I have currently been maintaining but for an update
          5. I am much happier than I was a few months ago plus going on holiday in a few days so that too. I prob will write a little bit for my book as well.
          6. and lastly to all the people that ask me to read their books I will.
          leaving that at that i say ADIOS