
Kindly give a try reading Quill Pen. I plan on making a trilogy on this book.


          "I was wrong Hide. I wish I could have told you before. When people leave and disappear, we actually don't have to have to move. I think I forced you to forget what happened and move on from everything. You see. It was some years ago that my grandmother died. But until now, I feel the pain of losing her. But... At the same time, when I think of her, I feel so warm. I wish I could have told you. You don't actually have to move on. Because if it's like that, it's the same as telling that the person only lived in the past", Mio removed her hands from him and covered her face because it was all messed.
          "That's why... Even if you leave and stay with Aki, you will still be a part of me no matter how many days, years and decade passes by. I just have to learn how to move forward with that truth", Mio wanted to jump out of the cubicle.
          "The fun, the warmth, the security that I felt with you. It'll stay with me, Hide. That's why...", Mio couldn't talk anymore because her emotions seem to drown her.