
          	Long time no talk- 
          	So life update: I finally passed my level 3 in child care so I am officially done with my qualification and never have to do another exam (thank f for that) however work is causing me to be a lil stressed and is sending me into a slight dark place mentally... 
          	I want to get back to writing I really do but it's going to take me a bit... I'm so sorry for being so quiet... I'll be back soon I promise 
          	Also found a new love in criminal minds (especially JJ) so that's something new that I never thought I would be able to get into 


          Long time no talk- 
          So life update: I finally passed my level 3 in child care so I am officially done with my qualification and never have to do another exam (thank f for that) however work is causing me to be a lil stressed and is sending me into a slight dark place mentally... 
          I want to get back to writing I really do but it's going to take me a bit... I'm so sorry for being so quiet... I'll be back soon I promise 
          Also found a new love in criminal minds (especially JJ) so that's something new that I never thought I would be able to get into 


Hey everyone!
          I promise I'm alive!! I'm so sorry I haven't put anything out recently it's all been a little crazy in my personal life and I had to re take one of my exams so been busy! But I'm happy to announce I passed!! But anyways I'll try and get a new chapter out ASAP just may take a few days due to work, and life but hopefully i can get one out to you guys soon!! 
          Love you all and thank you for being so patient about the slow asf chapters 


Hii everyone! 
          I'll be posting my newest chapter of my story tomorrow evening, my best friend aka my proof reader is going to read it tomorrow and check it all makes sense and flows ok, once it's posted please let me know if you think the song title fits this chapter or if you think another song would fit better! 
          that's all!! Thank you so much for all the love on this story I appreciate it all so much!  Also feel free to message me ideas/ concepts you want me to incorporate I always appreciate feedback and ideas! x x


Hiiii fabulous people! 
          Hope anyone in the uk is surviving in this horrible heat!  
          Just wanted to say thank you for all the votes, views and comments on my sorry! I appreciate it! I have pretty much finished the next chapter however i am searching for suggestions bc it feels very same-y so let me know if you have any cute date suggestions or if you have any suggestions at all