
Chapter 23 is up.  Getting back to those weekly updates.  I guess I needed a bit of a hiatus.


Just published chapter 12 while chewing on some grape flavored big league chew.  I always loved it when I was younger so I was shocked to find it in my neighborhood as not many stores carry it.  Anyway, I had to do some real editing on some earlier chapters for the sake of continuity. Hope you are enjoying the work.


Updated a new chapter of Hero Axis.  I am very excited to announce that once you guys finish reading Hero Axis, I will go through the process of producing printed copies.


The idea is to self publish through Amazon or Barnes and Noble. I will keep you updated as the date approaches. Thanks for the comment.


@YellowKingGarcia where are we going to be able to get these printed copies?


So Hero Axis is well underway and I'm hoping people are enjoying it thus far.  I have really tried to take the time to flesh out characters and I am very happy that they seem to take a life of their own as I write.  While I do admit it is far different than my first works, this has been an idea that has been stewing in my head for close to two years.  With some characters getting a second chance as they have been in works no longer available, I am happy I am bringing them to life.