
Dear Readers, 
          	It has been drawn to my attention that my book “My best friends step-brother” has been removed because of violating Wattpad guidelines.‍♀️ I apologize because I know A lot of you guys really loved that book. However, it can be found on Dreame and Novel cat. Happy Reading. Also, I would really like to start writing again and would be more than happy to hear what you guys would like to read next?? Share your thoughts. 
          	Delcie/ Yeoliebae_


Dear Readers, 
          It has been drawn to my attention that my book “My best friends step-brother” has been removed because of violating Wattpad guidelines.‍♀️ I apologize because I know A lot of you guys really loved that book. However, it can be found on Dreame and Novel cat. Happy Reading. Also, I would really like to start writing again and would be more than happy to hear what you guys would like to read next?? Share your thoughts. 
          Delcie/ Yeoliebae_


Hey author still reading ur story "my bestfriends stepbrother" but suddenly can't find it ND am not done it's such a lovely ND interesting write up I like both d story ND d way u always interact with ur readers and keeping us updated. Plz come back from wherever you went ND complete "taming her" ND bring back my best friends step brother pls so I can finish reading it. We ur readers are expecting u 


@RachealShodeke I hope u're good.
            Still expecting u, stay safe and take care ND please let us know wen u're back. Don't just leave us waiting please 


@RachealShodeke ND also write more lovely ND interesting story


I Abso-freaking-lutely LOVE your book "My Bestfriend's stepbrother" I fell in love with it the moment I read it and I continue to fall in love with it for the fourth time now of reading it!! ❤️


@Maravanua same here I was still reading it am not done yet but can't find d book againI was even planning on reading it u still av d book



And av followed u


@DiyaSaha7 okay av added it to library and will read it buh plz complete it ND don't make it long don't keep us waiting 