here's a bit of a new story :)
she took a deep breath. it was gonna be okay. all of it. the water trickling down into the dungeon slowed. was is finally no longer raining? she gazed around the musy, dark room at her fellow prisoners. There was an elderly looking man with white hair that would seemed to make his look a little wilder, he was a maker of wands. His clothes were torn and covered in dirt and his hands looked rough and callous from the many years of carving distinct wands. he introduced himself to her the moment she arrived, his name was 'Ollivander'. The second being in the room was a goblin. His lack in hight didnt make him less intimidating. his nose was rather large and sat in the middle of his face. beady eyes peering into the darkness expectant of something terrible. his beefy hands had thick, sharp nails at the end of them. She only learned his name three sleeping periods ago; 'Griphook'. Last, but certainly not least, was a girl. The girl was just a few years younger than herself. She had long, dusty blond hair. Her voice was dreamy and absent, but her words were the only way to know she was really there. The young girl was her biggest comfort in the damp prison; Luna. Luna Lovegood. There hadn't been anyone to come, after Luna. Just two, large and beefy boys to feed and water them daily. she didnt know how long she had been locked away, giving whatever of the food she could to luna, but many many sleeping periods later they heard a ruckus from above.