
Reworked and reposted Ch. 5 for Queen of Wolves, because I didn't like the start.
          	Content didn't change, just the structure of sentences so that they don't start with the same words :3
          	~ Dannie Lex ~


          Don't be scared if you can't find the book in your libraries anymore. I have updated the book name to the name of the series, since it contains all books under 1 post. 
          Descendants of Magic → Hallor Chronicles
          The content remains, but I will repost every chapter with number changes. For each book I will reset the chapter count.
          Also, I decided to repost chapters for the book 1 and book 2 split. The ending and start of those chapters slightly differs from the previous versions but not as much.
          ~ Dannie Lex ~


New book cover, with a slight change to the teaser on instagram, is posted now. 
          The third book with a name Queen of Wolves will continue the story of Kaitlin Holland, bringing new twists and revelations. First chapter (chapter 41 in the whole story) will be posted soon.
          ~ Dannie Lex ~


Chapter 40 for Descendants as a part of Heirs of Power book is now posted and with this chapter, we are coming to an end of the second book.
          Thank you for sticking around, hope you will enjoy the story and keep reading it. 
          For further info, stay tuned and check the annoucements or my instagram.
          ~ Dannie Lex ~


Thank you for adding my story never bend to your reading list. It’s most appreciated. 


I hope that you will like it. Feel free to ask questions. 


@MiriamJ1 The story sounds very interesting and I can't wait to read it in my free time. ♥


New chapter for the Heirs (2nd book of the Descendants story) is posted now. I apologize if there are any mistakes since I finished it at 2am. I will give it a read when my brain is in full power tomorrow and fix it if there are any mistakes.
          Also previous chapter has been reuploaded after finding some discrepancies within the story (part where Warlocks and Witches are explained, then Warlocks are mentioned again).
          Thank you for being patient and waiting for the story.
          ~ Dannie Lex ~


I apologize for the slow update on Heirs, but lately I haven't been able to focus on the book and write at all. There is some bad juju in my room that just sucks all the energy out of me and whenever I open the doc, I just loose all my motivation. 
          I pushed myself these last two days and started the next chapter but it's going slow. I will try to finish it soon so, stay tuned.
          ~ Dannie Lex ~


Finished editing the books - Descendants and Heirs, so I will be slowly moving onto writing new chapters which will be included into the Heirs of Power book, continuing with chapter 35.
          Also I want to wish everyone happy and Merry Christmas.
          ~ Dannie Lex ~


Finished editing and settled on a split for the books.
          First book, Descendants of Magic has 243 pages, 112k words and ends with chapter 22.
          With Chapter 23, the story continues as a book two with name Heirs of Power, which its' cover is now posted and published. 
          I will try to catch up with the 3rd editing of the book as fast as I can and then continue writing the story. 
          This whole story started as a short dream and I would have never thought that I will be able to turn this into series, so thank you to everyone who  stuck around, is supporting me and also patiently waits for the updates.
          ~ Dannie Lex ~