
i may have made a twitter for no other reason than to piss off my sister 


You know I don't think people gave gothel enough credit, like she didn't want to take rapunzel, after all that's why she was cutting her hair. Her plan falled and that's why rapunzel was taken, she didn't want to take her in tell it was the last option.


So recently I started to watch people play on the dream smp, mostly tommyinnit and tubbo, but I was think at the end of Tubbo's stream he was talking about history and I thought what if the community of people who watch the smp were to get to together and write it out as a present for New L'Manburg, for history is important in order go understand our mistakes. So if anyone of you guys think that might be a cool idea or know someone who might want to do it, try to share it along because if we don't start now we may never start.