
Are you going to continue writing hayden? It's so good!


@warnerisdaddy I write here and there but I haven't found the motivation that I had back when I was writing it. I'm hoping that I can get over this long writers block that I managed to get and finish the book but I don't see it happening soon. I've tried a lot of methods and none of them worked on me so I'm in a pickle! I'm sorry for the wait though.


Omg your writing style is just wow ! Is there more ?  is there like a sequel or smth  


@lightsareanwar, Thank you so much! & Yes! It's supposed to be 3 books in total but I haven't finished the second one yet. I'm in the process of rewriting chapters from the sequel because I didn't like how they turned out and hopefully be able to put out something that everyone can enjoy. ❤


this book was just wow. especially the bonus chapter on the son- this book is so twisted and well written. but im actually really sad how it ended specifically with hayden. 


@dontjudgeme_4o4o, Thank you so much! I'm hoping in the future I get better and maybe even rewrite the whole thing but I appreciate you and everyone who's enjoyed reading my story! ❤