
Some things never change.


Jeez! I have not been on AT ALL. My fault as usual, of course, but man...I haven't been fulfilling my goal of weekly postings in the least. I'll rectify this issue eventually, but for now I'm largely absent from Wattpad.


I'm attempting to post at least one thing per week--at the very latest, every two weeks. Hopefully I will be able to do so...
          Apologies in advance, if I fail to publish content with regularity. Not that I have in the past.


@The_Hooded_Sorcerer About what? Excuse my cluelessness, I have a bad short-term memory and I generally miss the obvious. And whatever you were rude about, you have more than made up for it in being courteous enough to apologize. That's something that takes nerve, as many people deem apologies a sign of weakness. I do not. In any case, any rudeness on your part is forgiven.