@Stalker-Pancake Really hope you'll hang around with us for awhile. You know here you're accepted, you're loved, you're valued. We recognize how special you are, and how unique. We love you, we love your writing. We enjoy your comments when you interact with other people's stories. In short, you're a part of our community here and we really don't want to lose you. None of us wants to say goodbye to you. You know we're here if you need to talk. I'm here if you need to talk. There are a few people on here that think I'm pretty good at listening. I don't judge. I raised 10 kids of my own and listened to a huge amount of their friends and others over 57 years. It hurts me to see you in so much pain. You have so much good in you, you are so talented. You are a blessing in this world. I am so sorry that that your family and others close to you have a hard time recognizing this. But please remember, there are people here who do see and hear you, and we'll be there for you if you let us. So please, let us be there for you!!!!!