
Hi I was wondering if u could help me find this book I read years ago on Wattpad. I have been searching and searching for years and I can’t seem to find where it’s gone. It’s called ‘three seconds to midnight’. To this day I still refer to it as my favourite book. And I would love to be able to read it again. 


heyy,i was looking for the books on the recommendation story that you created and i cant find the ones you were talking there any way that you could create a readiong list with all of the books in it?


Hello the book with recomandation is made 3 years ago...I think...and some of the books are now deleted. I am sorry


What happened to the An innocent Ex-wife story I was currently reading your story it was awsome but it suddenly got deleted . When u gonna update it dear im eagerly waiting to read pls 


@sabarisivasakthivel I didn't wrote it! I just recommended it and I said the author decided to delete it ! sorry