About 8 months ago my grandparents came home with a brand new cat. We named him Sarge! I ended up getting really attached to cat and I'm guessing he was the same with me..? He is an interesting cat you could say. I was watching the 7th episode of 'Yuri On Ice' and then Sarge came in and began sitting on my shoulder like a parrot watching it with me. I have no clue what clicked inside this younger cat but he loves Yuri on Ice! Any time I would be listening to the intro this cat comes running. He would begin to meowing, I have no clue if he is annoyed by the song or if he's singing but it is adorable! Then he's the same with Black Butler. Sometimes if I don't watch any of these shows Sarge will begin to paw at my phone and meow until I play one of the shows.
I love my cat be he can be very annoying most times with this, I feel like this cat is just a huge anime fan because I started watching another anime called 'Given' and he's all over it. I would try to adjust the phone for the both of us but he'll turn his head and give you this look of disappointment. If I'm able to go to any Anime convention soon I hope they allow animals because I'm taking him with me!