Hello @YomiAdejube how are you doing? I want to ask what will the name of the empire be if he he conquers all of the west Africans kingdom and will language the people of the empire be one language or multi language?
@azaman17 that will be considered spoiler territory, so i cant go into details but i can assure that it will be multilingual. It doesn't make sense to wipe out an entire language of people to conform to your own. That is just like wiping away an essential part of their culture.
Hello @YomiAdejube I like the chapter and manage to find time to read from the beginning. It shows the politics and historical information and items and I like it. Please keep on the good work.
Hello @YomiAdejube's I what to ask if there is going to be a reasonable or fantasy size of the army of both Folarin, Abeo and Ira (who is leading his and the kingdom of Nupe army) in is war?
YomiAdejugbe will the army structure for Folarin be like the Roman legion, the mongol army structure or the division structure or a hybrid army structure?