
I miss my wattpad era lowkey  Like I was out here exposing all my business, but it's nostalgic. First time logging in in 2 years 


I had a weird-ass dream with Gd in it last night. I don’t no whether it was because his birthday was 3 days ago and he just happened to plague my mind, or the fact it’s my bday in 2 days and I’m just naturally going crazy. ion no 


Imnotokay. Sunmi just released European tour dates and sHeS cOMinG tO ThE uK oN the 30th of May. The thing is, Bts’s concert is like 2 days after and I don’t know if my ass can afford to go to 2 Kpop concerts in a 3 day time span sooo I’m panicking jUsT a LitTTle