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MY LIFE IS A FUCKING MOVIE DUDE! So like last month i saw this girl in a hallway of my school and I liked her, like a lot. Now I have like terrible anxiety so just approaching her and talking to her isn't really something I would do, and i didn't know if she was ya know *does gay hand flick* so I wrote a note and wrote "Hey, you are really pretty, are you into girls" and put the note on her locker (they have lockers because they are private school that is rn taking up two classrooms in our school so they have lockers). Anyway she answered yes and gave me her discord but got the number thing wrong. So I wrote her mine but cleaning ladies took it off because they already left and gone home by the time i got the note there. Next morning I found out they took it off and after hysterical searching for some tape by all my friends I decided to grow some balls and walk up to her with a note. After like 3 minutes of just both of us nervously talking over each other we got each other's discord. Fast-forward to yesterday and I'm fixing her tie and collar. I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW MAN I'M JUST FUCKING HAPPY